Max Grand Handsome Latino Gay Porn Star Gay Porn 100565 gayporn star Falcon Studios

Handsome Latino Gay Porn Star, Max Grand

Known Aliases: Max Grande, Max Grandioso, Lash, Marcello, Edge (Hard Heroes)
Years Active: 1994 – 1998


Height: 6
Weight: 180
Hair Color: Black
Eye Color: Brown
Dick size: 9 inches / Uncut


THE OTHER SIDE OF ASPEN 4 (FVP-100): Kevin Dean & Trent Reed fuck Max Grand

Max Grand, in one of his earliest roles—shows his deep throating skills as he works on the huge slab of Kevin Dean. The two are soon spotted by Trent Reed, who joins in and takes charge. Grand gets filled from both ends, his muffled moans filling the scene.


It’s off to the races as 13 studs give yet another orgy for the record books. From the huge meat of Ken Ryker to the chiseled body of Jackson Phillips to all stars like Max Grand, Carl Erik and Kevin Dean, this one has it all, including dildo play and a double penetration with the masked Bryce Colby taking both Dean and Phillips. Colby also takes a line of studs in a hot gang bang.


Max Grand Handsome Latino Gay Porn Star Gay Porn 100565 gayporn star











Max Grand Handsome Latino Gay Porn Star Gay Porn 100565 gayporn star


Handsome Latino Gay Porn Star Gay Porn gayporn star

Handsome Latino Gay Porn Star gayporn star


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15 Responses

  1. Ken

    Puppy eyed Max! Golden memories indeed. My partner and I were already old codgers when we hired him. Strange to think he is now probably as old as we were at the time!

    Max if you are reading this, you are missed more than ever.

    Kenneth (Roger passed away in 2017)

  2. Nathan L.

    Thanks Richard. I truly only want to find Max/R*n* to make contact as friends only. He was one of the most positive, philosophical, centered, stable people I have ever known. I truly believe us losing contact was an accident because he was moving about the time my earlier smartphone was arbitrarily deleting phone numbers due to a sync error. I have another friend in SF working on finding him as well.

  3. Nathan L.

    Happy Birthday Max (R*n) today, wherever you are!

  4. Richard

    Max is indeed a great guy. I met him when he was escorting and he was so kind, sexy, and fun.
    I’m not sure whether he wants to be “found” now but I can understand why people would like to hear from him if he wants them to. I wondered too and found that [deleted, please do not post personal information]. It appears that he may be in a relationship with another guy there who is registered to vote at the same address and it appears that they both also may live part of the year at [deleted, please do not post personal information]. I hope he is doing well and happy and wish him the best!

  5. Martinryter

    I shot with max on multiple occasions, one time was a valentine cover for “Frontiers “ magazine. I share in the opinions of the other contributors, he is a stellar example man.

  6. JR

    Max Grand is one hot and sexy guy – one of the best Latin hunks. I have love every film of his!

  7. Miles

    I lived in San Francisco in the 1990’s and Max was a member of my gym. I would also see him out and about in the Castro from time to time. He had a cute bouncy walk which was quite adorable.

  8. Jamie

    I would love to reconnect with Rene! He was my tour guide in San Fran back in 1992 for a week. Super sweet guy with an awesome sense of humor.

  9. Llam

    If he left the porn and escort business, he doesn’t want to be found. Let him be at peace.

  10. C

    Rene was and I am certain is a sweetheart. I enjoyed spending time with him but lost touch. It made sense to do so. I met his mother and sister on a trip to SF once. A yearning, loving soul that is in my good thoughts and prayers.

  11. austin aka MexicanVanilla

    He is so handsome and sexy. I saw a picture of him from 2008 (he looks exactly the same except his hair is a little gray)… I wonder what he is doing now. I can’t find ANYTHING on him post porn (besides that picture). I read on a data lounge (or someplace like that) that he would have sex with some guys in this gym in LA back in the 90s that recently shut down. Other guys I was trying to find a little more info about was Shawn Harriri (aka Ari Bond) and one of Max’s scene partners Paolo Centori. If anyone finds out anything on any of those three guys, let me know ? my name is MexicanVanilla on LPSG ? thanks!

  12. Nathan L.

    Philippe – Yes, “Max Grand” (real name Rene Granados) worked as an escort based in/working from the Los Angeles, CA area in the 1990s and into the early 2000s, much of which time he also was gay porn actor Max Grand (Max for his father’s or uncle’s or relative’s name…I can’t remember….and Grand a play on his last name).

    I know so much about him because he literally was the first person I met after moving to L.A. I also dated him casually 1997-1999 and remained good friends with him up until he retired from the business in the early 2000s, when he suddenly disappeared, the only clue that he intentionally left being that his apartment, belongings, car, etc. were not left behind. He often said that he would eventually get out of the spotlight and go find some quiet corner of the world for his later years, which I assume he did. I also assume he’s NOT an escort or porn actor anymore.

    I’ve heard rumors that he moved back to his hometown of San Francisco and was working at the Walgreen’s in the Castro, though I haven’t had the chance to go there. I can’t seem to find any trace of him on the internet, Facebook, etc. other dated references to Max Grand and only one reference to Rene Granados (in an obituary for one of his relatives).

    I truly think that Rene/Max is one of the most centered, philosophical, kind, intelligent and real people I’ve ever met. He taught me a lot, not only about sex, but about life in general, helping me find a more positive outlook. I’m heartbroken that I’ve lost touch with someone who meant so much to me, who obviously didn’t know the impact he’s had on my life as a friend.

    Philippe, I’m sorry that I’m not more help to you in getting in touch with Rene/Max, but I hope I’ve given you clues that perhaps you can find him. If you do, would you please forward his contact information to me? (or if he requests mine, I could provide it to you)

    Good luck in your quest to find Max Grand!

  13. Philippe

    Hi. I have been told That Max Grand has worked as an Escort at some point. If so, would anyone know in which area, or send me a mean to get in touch with him ? Thank you

  14. Gary Rice

    I love to deep throat huge cocks and I wouldn’t leave him out. Yes Rob he is hot handsome fit body that’s needed to carry that huge cock. He is what dreams are make of.

  15. rob

    damn would luv to have fun with that hot muscular bum baby

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