Handsome Hung South African Gay Porn Star, Jason Kingsley
Known Aliases / aka:
Years Active: 2004
Johannesburg, , South Africa
Age (2007): 34 years old.
Height: 6 ‘ 0 “/182.9 cm
Weight: 206 lbs/93.442 kg
Waist: 32 inches/81.28 cm
Chest: 43.0/109.22 cm
Arms: 16.0 inches/40.64 cm
Thigh: 23.0 inches/58.42 cm
Calf: 16.0 inches/40.64 cm
BodyFat: 11.0 %
Born: Nov 27, 1972
Nationality: Johannesburg, South Africa
Height: 6’ 2”
Weight: 190 lbs.
Cock: 10” uncut
Position: Versatile
Jason is actually a concert musician with a symphonic orchestra in his native South Africa. He is also the real-life lover of cast member Jed Willcox. His is very intelligent, and intuitive, as well as being a superb sexualist!
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jason is sooooo gorgeous!!he makes me proud to be gay.can’t get enough of these hunks!