Debt Dandy Broke Czech Guy, Debt Dandy 146
Known Aliases: ???
Years Active: 2016
I’m sometimes amazed by the conditions some people can live in. And some are even happy and content! This boy lived in the ugliest apartment I’ve ever seen during my career. And I’ve seen a lot of bizarre places. This place was small and filthy, not to mention the stench and noise. The boy inherited the flat, which was the only upside I could see. He didn’t have to pay rent. And still, he managed to get himself almost 40,000 in debt. He wanted a new smart phone, you know. The boy fought my proposition, I could see he didn’t want to even think about it. I was fortunate he was the flat owner, because he was scared to loose the furniture, or in the worst case, the whole flat. What would he tell his girlfriend?
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