BelAmi Freshmen Czech Twink Gay Porn Star, Damian Chapelle
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Years Active: 2016 – 2017
FRESHMEN ISSUE 55: Jordan Faris & Damian Chapelle
KINKY ANGELS ISSUE 45: Claude Sorel & Damian Chapelle
While we are gratified for your uncontrolled lust for our models, there are times we wish we could, well, control it. As was the case for this month’s previews where we wanted to know your thoughts on our Freshman, Damian Chapelle, but all your ravings were about Claude- and his stubble. Well, Damien was the Freshman and Claude was the mentor and the reason for his stubble is that Claude was being a lazy mentor. Regardless, the chemistry between them was great. We hope you also enjoy the cleanly- shaved Damien.
KINKY ANGELS ISSUE 44: Kevin Warhol, Claude Sorel, Damian Chapelle
In lieu of our documentary, we are giving you Damien’s training blowjob scene with Claude and Kevin. Next month will feature his first full scene with Claude.
nice guy, can i see more his picture?