Colt McClaire American Gay Porn Star 131389 gayhoopla straight college jocks gayporn star

American College Jock Gay Porn Star, Colt McClaire

Cowboy Colt Mclaire is that last of the three best friends. First you saw Daniel Carter, followed by Tyler Hanson. Colt was full of life, really bringing a good vibe to the atmosphere. He was the oldest of the group with the biggest schlong. His rock hard dick also throbbed the hardest when stimulated. He put on a controlling solo scene, making your mouth water for more! He knew you were watching and took full advantage of his rock hard body. He wasn’t ready to cum until he decided you couldn’t handle anymore then insisted on cumming all over your face. This cowboy sure knows how to put on a rodeo.

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Colt McClaire American Gay Porn Star 131389 gayhoopla straight college jocks gayporn star


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  1. David

    Oh my god, Colt, ride me!!! After I suck your golden dick, eat your golden ass and kiss your ruby lips.

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