Handsome Hung Czech BelAmi Gay Porn Guy, Cameron Buirski
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Years Active: 2017
Cameron is one of those whom I spent a significant amount of time and energy into convincing to shoot, but to no avail. He also falls into that category of capricious models who change their minds on the subject every week. It’s a pity, because Cameron was a gentle boy with potential and had an exceptionally beautiful and massive dick. I don’t think that he necessarily had an inescapable aversion to gay sex but, at the time we were negotiating, he was still sexually inexperienced. He’d only had one sexual partner (a clumsy one at that) and came from a small town. Cameron was petrified of what would happen if someone found out and also felt that life was full of other opportunities, which sadly didn’t necessarily apply to his case. In any event, Cameron shot three photosets with us during our wooing period.
Zodiac: Libra
Height: 180
Weight: 72
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