Brother Jensen Mormon Boyz 132064 gayporn star

MormonBoyz, Brother Jensen

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Years Active: 2015

FILMS Brother Jensen Mormon Boyz 132064 gayporn star


Brother Jensen shows his gratitude to the missionaries by worshipping Elder Roberts’s cock.
   Elder Roberts has a lot of responsibilities. On top of his missionary work, he’s also serving as branch president of his tiny congregation. And because there are so few members of the Church in his area, other duties in the branch often fall to him, too.
   This Sunday, after presiding over sacrament meeting, he’s teaching the Gospel Principles class. The only student is handsome, clean-cut Brother Jensen, who was baptized about one year ago by the missionaries in the area. Elder Roberts hasn’t had time to prepare, and Brother Jensen can see that the sexy young man is a little stressed out. He’d really like to do something to help him relax and maybe forget about his mission for a while.
   As Elder Roberts begins the lesson, Brother Jensen interrupts him to reminisce about all the times the missionaries have come over to his house for dinner. Brother Jensen is a bachelor, and Elder Roberts has more than once fantasized about going to his house and showing him how much fun it is to fuck a Mormon.
   “The best part of having the missionaries over is dessert,” says Brother Jensen with a mischievous look on his face.
   “Oh yeah?” Elder Roberts’s dick twitches in his pants. “What kind of dessert?”

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Brother Jensen Mormon Boyz 132064 gayporn star


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