man data: 2010's 3

Trace Michaels Hairy Handsome Muscled and Pierced Gay Porn Star

Hairy Handsome Muscled and Pierced Gay Porn Star, Trace Hunter / Trace Michaels

Known Aliases / aka:
Years Active: 2010


Trace: 36, 6’0″, 240lbs, 7.50″

Unbuckle those pants fellas, cuz have we got a hot daddy for you. Originally from Fort Lauderdale, 36 year old Trace Michaels makes his debut with us. Trace is a hot daddy indeed. Standing 6′ tall, Trace is one tall, dark and hairy hottie. He has classic handsome features, a chiseled frame that’s deliciously covered in man fur. Every once in a while we’re blessed with a man that loves himself “au natural”. Wanting to get to know this manly man a bit better, we asked Trace if he could go back to being 21 what would he do differently. “Plan your marriages carefully’ he advises, ‘mine were wonderful—but too early”. Mmm-Kay. Well youth IS wasted on the young. We then asked Trace where he sees himself in 10 years. Trace wants to be more financially sound by the time that marker rolls around. Trace got into the adult industry because it was one of those things on his “to do” list. Naturally charming and photogenic, Trace has many qualities that will keep him working in this industry for a long time to cum. We look forward to seeing a lot more of him in the future. The End. …Next on “our” To Do list—Get this dude NAKED!!!


Gay Porn Star gayporn star



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3 Responses

  1. Henry Parket

    Trace, the first time I saw Trace in a video, I remember saying, “He’s beautiful and can be with me forever. But, here lately, he’s become a slob. He’s no longer the STUD I longed for…Stopped Watching his videos because the were over the top. Bye Trace!

  2. Eugene

    I love Trace Michaels & I wanted him to be my bf!!!!! I love you Trace ????????????

  3. Terry

    I want a date with Trace

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