President Oaks Mormon Boyz 133039 gayporn star

MormonBoyz, President Oaks

Known Aliases: Bill Farnsworth
Years Active: 2015 – 2016

FILMS President Oaks Mormon Boyz 133039 gayporn star

Mormon Boyz MormonBoyz

All the attention Elder Sorensen has received since he arrived in the mission has made him a little cocky.
   Boys and men alike have fallen for his cute face, lean body and confident attitude.
   One after another they’ve spread their legs for the handsome boy, who has taken every opportunity to slide his hard cock into their willing holes and screw those lucky companions hard and fast.
   But in all of his interactions with other Mormon boys and with the men of The Order, Elder Sorensen has never let anyone fuck him.
   He’s been too proud to surrender his hole to anyone, and also nervous about how it will feel.
   Even letting others just touch or lick his hole has meant giving up control, which is hard for the missionary boy…

STUDIOS President Oaks Mormon Boyz 133039 gayporn star



President Oaks Mormon Boyz 133039 gayporn star


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14 Responses

  1. Gapo

    Anyone knows other acting names or real name for Elder Dobrovnik to watch or if he has retired??

  2. Alois Bröker

    Ein perfekter Silver Daddy, Würde gern mit ihm fu.., Wundervoll.

  3. Nippon

    Hottest daddy!! I love him ???

  4. MJ

    Wow, just wow. Bill Farnsworth/President Oaks is my dream top! Such a sexy daddy, woof!

    I’m looking for more info on this porn star…does he have a twitter? Instagram? Fans Only???

  5. Li’l Bro

    i too offer my virgin hole to president oaks what a papi

  6. ROB

    Bill Farnsworth? What an unsexy name for a hot stud!

  7. Mike

    O.M.G.President Oaks!Would love to give you my virgin ass.I’d do anything you want.So rugged,so handsome.Fuck my mouth & then my ass,I’m all yours.You can fuck me all night.Please give him my e-mail!!

  8. David K.

    Amen by brothers…Bill Farnsworth aka President Oaks is by far my favorite porn actor too…being a bottom virgin… I would so love to find him and ask him to be my first…anyone have any ideas on how to find him???

  9. Jack

    Bill Farnsworth

  10. Richard Foster

    Have any private email where he can be reaches ay?

  11. toto

    He is the perfect sexy silver daddy !!!


    President Oaks is the best one of All.

  13. Curious

    What is the actor’s (actual) name who plays President Oaks? By far my favorite porn dude.

  14. Jeb

    He’s a TOTAL daddy I’d like to fuck. Would pay to be initiated by him.

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